Please introduce yourself, describe what your artistic practice is focused on at the moment?
Hi, I‘m Katja and these days I feel like a flower bee (Anthophora plumipes). I’m in Copenhagen where the beautiful, warm spring has just arrived. The cold sun is slowly warming up and the trees are humbly blossoming in the parks. Together with them, my artistic practice is branching out in many different directions. One of them is inspired by exhibition spaces and collaborative practices with focus on non- established artists... It‘s a playful one – and I ‘m really excited about it!
What are your real and desired conditions for art production?
My brain got into a knot on this question... I ‘m finding it hard to define my “real conditions” as they are very fluid, unstable and complex, being individually shaped by many human and non-human factors.
I tried to visualise “the sun” or “the chain” or “the tree” or “the baguettes” of conditions, which in their “cause-and-effect relationship” shape my art production. I started by coloring the desired ones rose, and the real ones blue. Still, I ‘m finding words or maybe my visual approach a bit limiting.
What are your experiences of collaborative art and educational practices so far?
I can’t say I experienced a lot of collaborative art/educational practices, especially not in the field of “fine arts”. I ́m currently in the process of education, where I feel the focus is on the development of “independent, individual art practice”. Even when working in smaller groups, or making “group exhibitions”, the focus is still kept on individual development inside that group.
To be completely honest, I mostly associate the mentioned term with "fun pages of art history" somewhere between 1950 and 1980 - yet It feels so alive!
How do these times of economic, social and ecological crises affect your art practice?
Over time I have learned to adapt and accept the circumstances that I cannot directly influence. I use my “creativity”, in order to understand, reshape, extract or infuse “the best I can” of what is given. On this unpredictable journey, I ́m truly grateful for crossing paths with many wonderful and inspiring people who approach life in the mentioned way. The knowledge, experience and passion which they translated into actions and works keeps reminding and inspiring me. My wish is to give further.
Name 10 words/associations/notions that first come to mind when you think of engaged eco-social participatory practices?