All of my answers are driven by the improvisational practice of relating to the environment around me and the everyday routines that I undertake. Premeditated answers are expressed on the boards below. Thank you.
Please introduce yourself, describe what your artistic practice is focused on at the moment?
My answer to the #1 question is from Issa’s Haiku (published in The Essential Haiku, ed. Robert Hass, 1994, p.165)
All the time I pray to Buddha
I keep on
Killing mosquitos.
What are your real and desired conditions for art production?
Sketched in my planner:
Page at hand:
- Change passport (make sure you can update the visa to enter the country);
- Re-apply to visa;
- Don’t forget all of the documents (originals, no copies)
Next page:
- Upcoming event “Protocols for Caring Institutions”
- Share the MIRO board with the crew
- Buy Tofu
- Call Liza
What are your experiences of collaborative art and educational practices so far?
Trust, care, patience, awareness, care, care, care + humor and joy… (towards oneself and towards each other, towards the rest of the living and non-living beings and communities)
Also this:
How do these times of economical, social and ecological crises affect your art practice?

From Prototyping tenderness: a personal log of a dying world by Klelija Zhivkovikj
On the left: the image of the woman touching plants. Imagine a black-and-white picture; a little noise gives it a sense of time; she is among the plants, her hands stretched towards the leaves, and she touches them. The image is filled with plants and their details – contours, surfaces, light, and shade, nuanced picture is filled with nature… the woman is part of it.
On the right is the text:
is embodied
Can we embody
responsibility to the
world we inhabit and
extract from?
Can we embody our
response to the world
we inhabit and extract
Name about 10 words/associations/notions that first come to your mind when you think of engaged eco-social participatory practices?