Contemplation, imagination, shark
I understand the first in terms of the second, and the third as the potential of the illegible.
Presented drafts, sketches, excerpts, cuts, collages, etc. were created in cooperation with children (6-10 years) - with whom I talk and make potential objects that will save the world. The first part of the workshops was held in Zagreb (GMK Gallery - open studio), the second part in Ljubljana (with the collective Hupa Brajdič). As the research is transforming, also the blog will change and eventually be divided into three chapters (10.3. - contemplation, 20.3. - imagination, 30.3. - shark).
Collage texts, videos, and objects are sketches for an experimental film in which objects and their natural habitats (determined by children) will be the main protagonists.
Big thanks to all the kids, WHW, GMK Gallery, Ana Dević, Ana Kovačić, Cecilija Žibert and Jason Mulhausen.
They start somehow. There is so much answers in them.

When I dream I have no doubt.
There is nothing within the experience to indicate its materiality.
Only when I speak I wake up.
The flight of an airplane is supposed to be different from the flight of a bird or a flying shark.
No memory.
Just a feeling of velvety softness from the fragrant fabrics among the shadows of the furniture.

First screams.
First words.
First letters.
First laws.
First inventions.
They enchant children’s eyes and fingers that touch them with wonder and desire.
The egg of illusion is hatched.
Is this the end of childhood?
Even more beautiful was dancing in the shadow.
Among the multitude of bodies in the beating beats of a drum, saved from the mind and the world.

More and more questions.
Fewer and fewer answers.

Rebel with reason and without.

Destruction, revolution, denial.
Passing is happening and leaving.
now here
later there
before everywhere
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Strange creatures on the horizon.

Below the shadows.
The smell of colors, after the unknown, inevitable...

It pulls me into a whirlpool.

Any attempt to keep familiar is like a straw in the raging water.
That flow.
No beginning, no end.
Unlike stories.
Life is not a fairy tale.
Says one of the creatures when he watches me try not to see in a dark.
... the former has an obviously unfathomable sense of humor.
How to think of reality with acts of imagination?
Without measurable facts. leaking its own articulation.
Where dreams can be the only logical conclusion.
Let's wash our bodies in the wind and forget the dangerous words of obsession.
Close your eyes,
imagine impossible within reality.
- SHARK...
I want to live in a world where the sharks can sing with me and where I can bread with gills in the air.
"The sharks are becoming extinct, so it can be":
"There are too few sharks and too many wild boars. We need to kill more wild boars and paralyze sharks less!"
Impossible is here!
Like sharks.
This is a shark.

This is a shark mask.
More truth, fewer facts.
More other perspectives of reality, fewer singularity.
More poetic faith, fewer fixity.
More flow, fewer static.
More meatiness less shell.

... Imagine
Suspend disbelief in fiction and

Don't tell me the truth, open
the possibilities of something

It can be a lie,
which happens somewhere else.
are an illusion.
Which has its place in the palace,
its voice in the ears,
its smell in the air,
and its meatiness everywhere.
That flow.
No beginning, no end.
Happening and leaving.
Unlike fixity.
Fixity ends somewhere, just like fairytales.
But the rivers continue to flow,
the wind never stops blowing,
Pluto is waiting,
Tandertanium is without weight,
Mars has a color.

"Imagine that! What? The flow of passing"