One of the projects that was developed from the experiences of WHW Akademija was Communities of Learning, Bridging the Gap of Isolation, initiated by WHW and supported by the Culture of Solidarity Fund of the European Cultural Foundation.
Through exhibitions, educational and discursive program in online formats and in physical spaces, this collaborative program challenged the condition of closures by reclaiming co-learning and conviviality as a collective platform for generating strategies of deconfinement, applicable in wider social contexts.
Among versatile collaborations between WHW and diffrent European organisations such are State of Concept from Athens, Bulegoa zenbaki barik in Bilbao, Can Altay with Ahali and platform Parrhesiades form London, local partners were experimental gallery GMK and Kurziv, publisher of non-profit media portal
Through collaborative activities by GMK and Kulturpunkt we tackled the question how can platform of education and culture open its doors for socially vulnerable?

Within the GMK activities in June 2021, artist Theo Prodromidis, in collaboration with Espi Tomičić and Lucija Klarić, with the participation of Jafar Hamadani, Miran Kramar, Severina Lajtman, Manuel Tairovski and Erin Vlahović, conducted a several-week workshop process as part of his research project 30yrs1d. It explored the production of citizenship in the last 30 years and the methods, successes and failures by which we jointly decide who will acquire it and how we can support someone to appropriate that right.
The presentation of the project took place in Zagreb on July 1 in a performative format in the park in front of the Booksa club, while the installation was on display in the GMK spaces from July 2nd to July 10th.

Kulturpunkt's journalism school – World of Art is a one-semester educational program for young participants aged 18 to 30 who want to acquire essential knowledge and skills in the fields of contemporary cultural, artistic and media practices. The program is implemented by the association Kurziv, the publisher of the portal The thirteenth edition of Kulturpunkt's journalism school – World of Art was realized in cooperation with the WHW.

Ten participants attended journalism workshops and lectures in the field of contemporary visual and performing arts. Some of the lectures were held at the Showroom of Gallery Nova (Lea Vene - New media practices, December 8th; Ana Fazekaš - Introduction to performing arts, December 13th; Igor Ružić - Performing arts and the 1990s, December 20th).